Unibel Gerobio - Facial Range

Beauty, a desired and pursued good throughout the history of humanity, is presented as a challenge for all those involved in the world of cosmetics. It is not enough to apply products with exogenous action, which have a temporary effect. Only internal balance (healthy and balanced life) and specific cosmetics, which provide what the skin needs for its eutrophy, are the way to achieve the natural beauty of each person. And it is, in this sense, that Unibel Dermactive care cosmetics becomes an indispensable ally to achieve healthy and beautiful skin. The products that make up this range have been specially designed to solve skin imperfections and anomalies that are difficult to treat with conventional cosmetics. It is only enough to avoid the legendary COMFORT cream, which in itself is a treatment since it improves the general condition of the skin and provides such eutrophy that it balances the physiological functions of the skin.


Cleansing milk

Cleansing milk that provides nutrition, freshness and softness, valid for any type of skin, even the eye area. Respects and improves the skin's physiological balance by selectively acting on impurities, eliminating them, and normalizing secretions; It is for this reason that it can even be used as a base day cream for skin without problems.
Application: at night, emulsify impurities with light circular movements and remove with warm water. In the morning, on young skin without problems, as a makeup base (in this case it should not be rinsed)
Functional active ingredients: Milk glycoproteins, Propylene glycol, Glycerin


Face tonic

Rebalances the skin's physiological pH by providing amino acids and ions that its delicate composition incorporates, which are constituents of N.M.F. (Natural Hydration Factors). The presence of extracts with an antiseptic effect such as cucumber, soothing extracts such as chamomile, astringents such as witch hazel, and stimulants such as ginseng, make this product a full-action tonic, making it suitable for all skin types.
Application:At night: after removing makeup, we apply using a light buffer. The skin is now prepared to receive the range's creams.
In the morning: and then we apply the day cream. Due to its particular characteristics, it is ideal for after shaving, leaving the skin soft and balanced.
Functional active ingredients: Vitamins, Amino acids, Chamomile, Linden, Cucumber, Ginseng, Hamamelis, Essential carbohydrates

senda tónico facial


Cleansing gel

Deeply cleans impurities and makeup from the skin. It is suitable for all skin types but especially for oily skin. All in one makeup remover. Does not require subsequent toning.
Application: Morning and night using rotating circular movements on damp skin. Remove with damp sponges.
Functional active ingredients: Amphoteric surfactant, Glycerin, Altea officinalis, Yeast.

GOMMAGE VISAGE gomage facial


Cleansing water

Refreshing, soothing and draining alcohol-free aqueous tonic. Especially indicated for the eye area, it improves bags, fluidizes blood flow and respects pH. Provides a feeling of comfort.
Application: morning and night with the help of cotton or sponges.
Functional active ingredients: Aloe vera, amphoteric surfactant, Cucumber, Mallow, Rose.

UMASK mascarilla eutrófica


Eutrophic mask

Organic repair mask cream. It is suitable for all types of skin but especially for those areas with difficulties such as: sagging, stretch marks, acne-prone skin, scars, etc... Associated with the CONFORT cream it has a great restructuring and balancing effect on very delicate skin such as psoriatic skin. , sensitive with eczema, nervous dermatitis, irritative seborrhea,…
Application: Apply mixted with CONFORT for revitalizing effect or alone as a Repair Mask, in this case we apply it to damp skin, leave it for an exposure time of 10-15 minutes and remove it with the help of sponges or cotton pads moistened in warm water. It can also be applied alone on pimples to correct them when going to sleep.
Functional active ingredients: Fatty acid esters, Kaolin, Cell repair complex.

PURMASK mascarilla sensitiva


Stimulating phials

Stimulates blood microcirculation and promotes the absorption of the specific principles of the range. It helps the regeneration of tissues and nourishes them. These blisters are involved in all facial treatments as well as others in which the skin needs to be stimulated (scars, stretch marks). It creates a slight hyperemia so it should not be applied around the eyes or in cases of telangiectasias. Thanks to the presence of revitalizing principles, it has a tightening effect, making it advisable when you want to obtain an immediate lifting effect before makeup.
Application: It is applied with light touches and its absorption is immediate, in cases where a great revitalization of the tissues is required. Also to obtain a lifting effect before makeup. It applies the same as in the cabin
Functional active ingredients: Proteins, Biological extract, Hydrolyzed placenta.

ESSOR ampollas estimulantes


Anti reddish cream

Subtle emulsion for circulatory microstasis. Provides a calming effect on the redness typical of these cases. Prevents capillary elastosis as well as the formation of interstitial edema.
Application: Apply preferably in the morning. Spread a small amount of cream and massage until completely absorbed.
Functional active ingredients: Chamomile extraponas, Sage, St. John's wort, Yarrow, Altea, Sweet almond oil, Vitamins, Amino acids, Bisabolol.

SERENA crema anti-rojeces


eyes/mouth/neck cream

Nourishes the fragile tissues around the eyes, mouth and neck. This emulsion increases the elasticity of tissues, preventing the appearance of wrinkles and fibrillar breakage.
Application: A small amount of cream is applied and massaged until completely absorbed.
Functional active ingredients: Vitamins E, C, Regenerative factor, Elastin, Avocado, Amino acids.

GENTILE crema contorno


Essential cream/night

It is the essential cream of the range, being essential for all ages, skin, areas of the body, for any type of unsightly condition. Its studied and meticulous composition represents a complex of nutritional elements that harmonize the basic functions of the skin. It helps combat the effects of skin aging, making it an ideal night cream. It in itself constitutes a treatment alone or combinated with another range creams.
Application: Alone or combinated with another cream for your synergy effect. Preferably at night. Massage working until completely absortion
Functional active ingredients: Fatty acids, Hypericon, Sweet almond oil, Calendula, Phytostimulins, Vitamins, Stimulating repair factor.

CONFORT crema esencial/noche


Intensive repair cream

For skin that needs an extraordinary contribution of nutrition. Its formulation based on a cellular complex acts in a similar way to a biological reservoir that stimulates the skin in response to injuries for its regeneration. Also for cases of stretch marks, deep and marked wrinkles.
Application: Alone or mixed with CONFORT in the indicated cases. Apply it and massage until completely absorbed.
Functional active ingredients: Fibrostimulins, Cellular complex, Avocado, St. John's wort, Calendula, Vitamin A.

REGENTA crema reparadora intensiva


Revitalizing cream

Cream with revitalizing action on tissues that present sagging, sagging, fibrillar breakage, etc. It is an exceptional product in facial care, restoring elasticity to the skin and giving it a texture and softness typical of hydrated and young skin, rebalancing the water level and producing a slight tightening effect. All of this makes it a complete cream as it is triactivated in its functions: moisturizing, revitalizing and elasticizing.
Application: in the morning and evening, apply a light layer of cream and massage until completely absorbed. It can be used alone or mixed with CONFORT on alipic skin.
Functional active ingredients: Fatty acid esters, Mink Oil, Mulberry extract, Mucopolysaccharides, Hazelnut.

SEORA crema revitalizante


Purifying cream

Light cream especially indicated for oily or acne-prone skin. It has antiseborrheic and antiseptic power, causing impurities to escape to the outside, thus purifying the skin of toxins.
Application: A light layer of this cream should be applied in the morning and evening, massaging the most affected areas until completely absorbed.
Functional active ingredients: Brewer's yeast, Tea, Witch hazel, Linden, Horse chestnut, Horsetail.

OXYGENA crema purificante


Dermoprotective cream

Cream with high environmental protection as it contains specific filters. At the same time, it has a moisturizing effect by providing basic amino acids to the skin's water balance. It has anti-free radical effect. It is an optimal cream as a makeup base since its protective action avoids the risk of sensitization derived from these products.
Application: In the morning, apply a thin layer of this cream and massage until completely absorbed.
Functional active ingredients: Phytostimulins from Hamamelis, Wheat, Hops, Arnica, Vitamins, Amino acids, UV Filter, Cell repair complex.

decor crema dermoprotectora


Bleaching cream

Cream with effect lightening and tightening. Indicated for darkened or pigmented skin. It includes an epidermal growth factor that allows the renewal of skin cells. It improves oxygenation so the cellular metabolism of mature skin is activated, providing a true anti-aging effect. It has a high sun protection factor.
Application: In the morning, apply a thin layer of product and massage until completely absorbed.
Functional active ingredients: Growth factor, Sweet almond oil, Sunscreen.

ADAGIO crema hydrasensitiva


Vital sap

Cellular regenerating serum. Consisting of a cocktail of restorative biological principles, it acts as a true skin architect, regenerating tissues with serious disorders. Tissues injured by burns, scars, eczema, lichenification. It also acts by softening wrinkles and giving the appearance of filling. Regulates keratinization and hydrates the upper layers of the epidermis.
Application: Apply by light touches until completely absorbed.
Functional active ingredients: Revitalizing glycoproteins, Biological polypeptide, Mucopolysaccharide proteoglycans, Butylene glycol.

ARIA crema vitasensitiva


Tonifying moisturizin restitutive cream

Revitalizing moisturizing cream. For people with dry and atonia skin.
Application: Preferably during the day. Massage until complete absorption.
Functional active ingredients: Collagen, Elastin, Sweet almonds

LUMINAL crema aclarante


Multiactive cream mask

Regenerating, soothing, protective, total screen. Soothes redness, regenerates, treats marks and keloids, regulates sebaceous secretion. Total non-lipid screen. Increases the immune capacity of the skin.
Application: Daily use on photo-sensitive skin. A small amount is applied, it spreads very well like a protective cream, so that no mask remains.
Functional active ingredients: Embryonic tissue extract, Phytostimulins from Hamamelis, Hops and Arnica, Glucosaminoglycans, Titanium dioxide, Zinc oxide

SEROVITAL savia vital


Hidrotonic serum

Moisturizing and toning. Improves the quality of the hydrolipidic mantle, attenuating wrinkles and modeling the facial oval.
Application: Preferably in the morning alone or under the day cream
Functional active ingredients: Antarctic glycoproteins, Lubra gel, Amino acids, Sugars

BASTIDE crema restitutiva